Maryam Yassini, CPCC
Certified Professional Co-active Coach
What we tell ourselves significantly impacts our performance. Therefore, our challenge is to listen to our Inner Guide and ignore our Inner Critic or Saboteur. You may not have even noticed that particular inner voice that often sabotages your efforts. Part of the reason is because it has been with you for so long; you don’t hear it as a voice, but a part of who you are. Yet once you learn to hear it for what it is, not for how it controls you, you can also learn how to tame it.
This voice is often referred to as our “saboteur”. Partly because if you listen, you will see that it sabotages much of what you try to do. It’s always there, although sometimes it is so chronic that we actually hear it as an extension of ourselves. That “Saboteur” is merely our fears, worries and apprehension trying to find their way to the surface. Whether we allow it to surface or stay in the background is our choice.
When we begin our journey, we will tap into your ambitions and disconnect from your negative mindset which stops you from being all that you can be. Life will begin to make sense again while achieving your goals will become easier. Everything will begin to click into place with no room for anger and judgment.
Take advantage of the possibilities; be more courageous, take risks and dare to be happy. Begin the journey which can help you achieve all you ever dreamed of, keep moving and grow. We begin to recognize that life presents us with what we need to evolve into our greatest potential as a human being. Don’t waste your precious time wondering about your unattained goals or unfulfilled ambitions. Don't waste this precious gift, live your life to the fullest.
I believe in the co-active relationships, partnerships, and community. Knowing full well, that our impact will be much greater than if we were to act alone. We will operate from a foundation of respect and trust with the knowledge that each individual has an inherent value to add to the process. I listen with deep curiosity and intent to discover and build on the client’s ideas and intentions. We will build a designed alliance with explicit shared expectations of roles and outcome so we can both support and challenge each other during this journey. The answers to the questions you seek are within you, I will provide the tools for you to discover and embraces them.
You may believe the life which you lead is the best that can be under present circumstances. Individuals have lost the capacity for extraordinary visions and aspirations. What they are actually seeing is a vision through the distortion of their conditioned mind, to accept mediocrity. It is a huge handicap and it certainly prevents you from reaching your maximum potential.